Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Letter for Test

                                Dear Mom,

           I'm sorry I just now got around to writing this letter, I know you must have been worried sick. Anyways, I have now been here for almost a month and I am becoming really used to my new homeland. I have even caught on to the English language very quickly, as you can tell.

           When I first arrived here I was very scared and worried. I got off the boat in a large city by the name of New York. It is a wonderful, thriving city with many, many people. However, it was incredibly terrifying. It is nothing like home. At first, I couldn't find anyone to talk to, except for this one man who was on the same boat as me. He said that he knew a place where there were more people like us, so after we got off I followed him through the city into a small area that reminded me of home. There are are so many Italians here, the community itself is called Little Italy. Thankfully, you and father gave me enough money to be able to buy a half way decent apartment. Some people in this city live in tiny, one bedroom apartments with almost five times as many people as there should be and it is incredibly disgusting to see the way in which they live. I don't travel from Little Italy much, except to work. I often feel threatened when I leave the community because some of the "natives" will yell at me and threaten me, and I have heard stories of the things they do to immigrants like myself. Either way, I am very thankful to be in America now.

           I am also adapting to the American way of life very easily. In Little Italy, most of the Italians are very Americanized, or they are trying to be like the Americans. We all have studied the English language very hard and most of us are picking it up well enough to talk to our bosses. We even sometimes eat their food, and I must say it is pretty good.

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