Monday, January 26, 2015

How do you analyze a political cartoon?

Can't take the cartoon too seriously. You have to be able to understand the symbolism that is used within the cartoon and you need to understand  what is going on in politics to understand what it's trying to say.

How to Analyze a Political Cartoon:
After looking at this guide I will now look for the exaggeration of characters within political cartoons. I will also look at the labeling of items within the cartoon. Also I will look for analogies and irony within the cartoon.

Philippine War Political Cartoon
This cartoon shows Uncle Sam allowing what looks like wealthy Americans to come into the Philippines. I believe this may be a reference to what the U.S. had done in other territories by coming over and taking over the economy and even the country. Also, the open gate alludes to the open gate policies and that the Philippines is the way to an open door policy.

Maine Political Cartoon
This alludes to the Spanish bombing the Maine, which was near Cuba. The pictures shows us bombing a spaniard back to spain
Philippine War Political Cartoon
This cartoon shows a possible filipino man who is blocking the U.S, from getting the true history of the Philippine War.

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